What Is a Classified Road | Classification of Roads in India

Introduction of Indian Road

  • India is a very vast country and where the economic development of the country mainly depends upon its Transportation.
  • The road is one of the most important modes of transport in India. Road plays a very crucial role in the overall development of the country.
  • The Road network of India is one of the biggest and second-largest road networks all over the world.
  • In this article, you will get to know about the Classification of roads in India and the types of roads in India.
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Classification of Roads in India

  • The roads are classified on different types in India. The roads are mainly classified based upon the different areas in the country. The classification of roads in India as follows.
  • For the overall development of the different areas of any Nation, there must be an efficient it will planned network of the roads which connect Different cities, towns and villages all over the country.
  • Urban roads play a vital role in the development of the town. The Efficiency of the urban area is affected by the Urban road.
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What Is a Classified Road?

  • According to the Traffic
  • According to the Transported Tonnage
  • According to the importance
  • According to the location and function of the roads
  • According to the materials used in the construction of the roads
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According to the Traffic

Sr.No.Types of RoadVehicles per Day
1Very heavy traffic roadsAbove 600
2Heavy traffic roads251 to 600
3Medium traffic roads70 to 250
4Light Traffic roadsBelow 70
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According to the Transported Tonnage

Sr.No.Types of RoadVehicles per Day
1Very heavy traffic roadsAbove 1524
2Heavy traffic roads1017 to 1524
3Medium traffic roads508 to 1017
4Light Traffic roadsBelow 508
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According to the Importance of the Road

  • Class 1 Roads
  • Class 2 Roads
  • Class 3 Roads
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According to the Location and the Function of the Road

Types of Roads As per Location And FoundationΒ Β 

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  • Expressways
  • National highways(NH)
  • State Highways(SH)
  • District Roads
    • Major District Roads(MDR)
    • Other District Roads(ODR)
  • Village Roads (RR)
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  • Expressways are the roads which have more than for lanes. Expressways allow high-speed vehicles.
  • The Construction and the Maintenance work of the Expressway are operated by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH).
  • The first expressway in India is Delhi-Noida Direct flyway which is an Expressway connects Delhi and Noida with each other.
  • Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway becomes one of the largest Expressway in India.
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National Highways (NH)

  • National highways are the Highways which connects the major cities in India. The National Highways also connects the state capitals.
  • National highways generally have the width ranges from 7 m to 15 m which connects the capital cities of various states all over the country.
  • National highways plays and very important role to link the network for transportation of men and materials.
  • National highways can carry fast and heavy traffic.
  • The National highways in India are further classified on the width of the carriageway of the Highways.
  • The Construction, Maintenance and Management of the national highways are done by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).
  • One of the major and largest ongoing highway development projects in India are the Golden Quadrilateral and north-south and east-west corridor.
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Example of National Highways in India

    • Delhi-Agra-Kanpur-Kolkata road-NH2
    • Agra-Mumbai Road-NH3
    • Amritsar-Ambala-Delhi road-NH1
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State Highways

  • State Highways are the Highways which mainly connect the major cities throughout the state.
  • State highways are the roads which have width ranges from 7 m to 10 m and connect the national highways and the district places all over the state.
  • State Highways can carry medium to fast traffic. State Highways and the National highways have the same design speed and the design specifications for the road construction.
  • State governments have the authority and responsibility to construct and maintain the state highway. Many state highways had constructed by the state Public Works Department.
  • Public Works Department has the responsibility to construct and maintained the road.
  • In India, Maharashtra has the largest share of state highways in the country.
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District Roads

  • District Road are the roads which connect each district place to the Taluka place.
  • The width of the district roads generally ranges from 5 m to 8 m.
  • The design speed of the vehicles on the district roads is very less as compared to the design speed on the highways. District roads are generally carrying moderate traffic.
  • The Zilla Parishad has the Authority and responsibility to construct and maintain the district roads. The state government gives grant for the development of the district roads
  • District road also connects with the state Highways and national highways.
  • The District roads are classified into two categories which are Major district roads and Other district roads. Other District Roads also connects with the City Roads.
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Village Roads

  • The roads which connect any village to the district roads are known as village roads.
  • The village roads are kaccha roads or earthen roads which only carry light traffic. It connects to the various City Roads.
  • Village road mainly connects the villages or group of villages with each other for with the nearest road of higher category.
  • Village roads plays and very important role in the development of the rural area.
  • Village roads are generally on method with a single Lane width of stabilized soil or gravel. The responsibility of the construction and maintenance of the rural roads lies with the local district Authorities.
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According to the Materials Used

Types of Roads As Per MaterialsΒ 

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  • Earthen roads
  • Water macadam roads(W.B.M)
  • Cement Concrete Roads
  • Bituminous roads
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Earthen Roads

  • Art and roads are generally constructed with earth materials. These are the kachha road in which Earth is one of the main constituents.
  • Earthen roads are generally constructed in the ruler areas and also known as village road.
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Water Macadam Roads (W.B.M)

  • Water bound macadam roads which consist of broken pieces of the stones of varying size which ranges from 25 mm to 75 mm which are laid in three layers on the subgrade.
  • The bigger size pieces of the stones are laid in the bottom course of the road.
  • This type of role is also usually provided in rural areas as village roads.
  • Water Bound Macadam roads are the compact base for the vitamin is a road and the concrete roads.
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Cement Concrete Road

  • Cement concrete road is a rigid pavement which consists of the rigid wearing surface on the top surface of the road.
  • The lifespan of the concrete road is greater and more durable as compared to Bituminous Road.
  • The repair and maintenance work of the cement concrete road is very difficult due to the rigidity of the concrete.
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Bituminous Roads

  • In the construction of the Bituminous Road, the final finished surface is of the Bitumen.
  • It is a flexible pavement in which first upon the water-bound macadam surface is prepared. In these roads, Bitumen acts as a Binder.
  • This type of road gives a smooth wearing surface at the top of the road.
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According to the Third Road Development Plan

Types of Road As Per Third Road Development Plan

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Primary System

  • Expressways
  • National Highways(NH)
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Secondary System

  • State Highways(SH)
  • Major District Roads(MDR)
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Tertiary System

  • Other District Roads(ODR)
  • Village Roads(VR)
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