Difference Between Timber And Wood | What is Wood | What is Timber

What Is Wood?

Characteristics of Wood

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  • Β Formation
  • Growth rings
    • Earlywood
    • Springwood
    • Latewood
    • Summerwood
  • Knots
  • Color
  • Structure
    • Ring porous species
    • Diffused porous woods
  • Earlywood and latewood in softwood
    • Early v ad and latewood in ring-porous woods
    • Earlywood_and latewood in diffuse-porous woods
  • Monocot wood
  • Water content
  • Uses of wood
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Structure of Wood

  • Growth Rings
  • Latewood
  • Bark
  • Wood Section of the Tree
  • Pith
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1. Growth Rings

2. Latewood

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3. Bark

4. Cambium

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5. Wood Section of the Tree

6. Pith

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What Is Timber?

Characteristics of Good Timber

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  • Narrow annual rings, closer the rings greater is the strength.
  • Compact medullary rays.
  • Dark color.
  • Uniform texture.
  • The sweet smell and a shining fresh cut surface.
  • When struck sonorous sound is produced.
  • Free from the defects in timber.
  • Heavyweight.
  • No woolliness at the fresh-cut surface.
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Structure of Timber

Timber Wood

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Exogenous Trees

Characteristics of Good Timber

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  1. Durability
  2. Strength
  3. Permeability
  4. Hardness
  5. Toughness
  6. Elasticity
  7. Workability
  8. Weight
  9. Structure
  10. Defects
  11. Fire resistance
  12. Mechanical wear
  13. Appearance
  14. Colour
  15. Shape
  16. Smell
  17. Sound
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What Is Timber Wood?

  • What Is Timber Wood
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