Difference Between Whole Circle Bearing and Quadrantal Bearing | What Is WCB | What Is QB

Introduction of WCB Vs. QB

What Is Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)

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  • For those wondering 'define whole circle bearing', the whole circle bearing (WCB) is defined as the bearing of the line at any point which is measured with respect to the Meridian.
  • The Whole Circle bearings values range from 0° to 360°.
  • The Whole circle bearing is generally used in the Prismatic compass.
  • The whole circle bearing is used to measure the angle in the clockwise direction from the magnetic North.
  • The Prismatic compass is graduated by Whole circle bearing.
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Example of Whole Circle Bearing (WCB)

  • If the survey line falls between the first quadrant then the  Whole Circle Bearing lies between the 0° to 90°.
  • If it lies between the second quadrant then the Whole Circle Bearing of that survey line lies between 90° to 180°. If it lies in the third quadrant then the Whole circle bearing will be between the 180° to 270°.
  • And in the fourth quadrant, the Whole Circle Bearing values range between 270° to 360°.
  • The Whole circle bearing of any line can exceed up to 90°. When converting whole circle bearing to reduced bearing or wcb to qb, it can be reduced to the corresponding angle which is less than 90°.
  • This type of angle is also known as a Reduced bearing.
  • The examples of whole circle bearing are as follows.
    • 30°,45°,80°,120°,230°, and 320°, etc
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What Is Quadrantal Bearin (QB)

Example of Quadrantal Bearing

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  • 1st quadrant = N - E
  • 2nd quadrant = S - E
  • 3rd quadrant = S - W
  • 4th quadrant = N - W
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  • N35°E,S49°E,N65°W,S25°W etc.
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Difference Between Whole Circle Bearing and Quadrantal Bearing

Sr.No.Whole Circle BearingQuadrantal Bearing
1The horizontal angle which is made by the survey line, with the magnetic north in a clockwise direction is known as the Whole circle bearing.The horizontal angle which is made by a survey line with the magnetic North or South whichever is near the line in the eastward or westward direction is known as quadrantal wearing or reduced bearing.
2In the whole circle bearing, the magnetic North line is considered as the reference line.In the quadrantal Bearing, both magnetic North as well as South lines are considered as a reference line.
3In the whole circle bearing only clockwise angle is taken from the reference survey lineIn the quadrantal bearing both clockwise, as well as the anticlockwise angle from the reference line, is taken
4The value of the whole circle bearing ranges from 0°  to 360°The value of the quadrantal wearing for reduced bearing ranges from 0° to 90°
5The example of a whole circle bearing are 30°,45°,80°,120°,230°, and 320°, etcExample of quadrantal bearing or reduced bearing are N35°E, S49°E, N65°W, S25°W, etc.
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Observation of the Bearings

  • When considering the whole circle bearing system in surveying, consider the bearing of the line is AB to be observed.
  • Set up the instrument and at station A and then carry out the temporary adjustments.
  • Fix one of the ranging rods at the station B.
  • Turn the compass box until the ranging rod present at station B is not bisected by the horsehair when seen through the vertical slit above the prism.
  • When the needle comes to rest, bisect it by the ranging rod at station B accurately and write down the reading.
  • Hence you will get a bearing of the line AB.
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What Is a Whole Circle Bearing (Wcb)?

What Is the Range of Values for Whole Circle Bearings?

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How Is a Whole Circle Bearing Used in Surveying?

What Is a Quadrantal Bearing (Qb)?

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How Is a Quadrantal Bearing Measured?

What Is the Range of Values for Quadrantal Bearings?

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What Reference Lines Are Used in the Quadrantal Bearing System?

What Is the Main Difference Between Whole Circle Bearings and Quadrantal Bearings?

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What Are the Reference Lines for Each Type of Bearing?

Can You Summarize the Value Ranges for Each Type of Bearing?

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Are Both Clockwise and Anticlockwise Angles Used in These Bearings?

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